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When Boulder Highway was constructed in 1931, the area was largely rural. Today, this area has grown to tens of thousands of houses, commercial lots, transit riders, and daily vehicles. This growth has caused an increase in traffic for vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians, but also an increase in pedestrian injuries and deaths.

With the community’s help, Boulder Highway has been reimagined to accommodate growth while improving safety and setting a scalable foundation for future enhancements. While the reimagine concept runs from Charleston Boulevard to Wagonwheel Drive, the City of Henderson project covers the segment from Wagonwheel Drive to Tulip Falls Drive, south of Russell Road.

The project includes constructing dedicated Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lanes. BRT is an enhanced bus system designed to be safer and faster for riders. Different modes of transportation will be separated, and vehicle travel lanes will be reduced. Passenger shelters will be in the center of the roadway, so pedestrians only need to cross one half of the roadway at any time to access the shelter.

Project Goals

Increase Corridor Safety for all Users

◊   Improved lighting

◊   Elevated, buffered bike lanes

◊   More space between pedestrians and traffic

◊   Protective barriers at bus stops

◊   Signalized mid-block crossings

◊   Reduce travel lanes to four, calming traffic

◊   Pedestrian refuge islands

◊   Reduced speed limit (35mph)

Support Multi-modal Transportation Options

◊   Elevated, buffered bike lanes

◊   Dedicated bus lanes

◊   Improved passenger shelters

◊   Elevated, buffered bike lanes

◊   Multi-use path


◊   Replacing non-functional turf and landscaping with water-smart desert landscaping

Spur Redevelopment along the Corridor

◊   Potential for open space and parks

◊   Potential for economic revitalization

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This is the official project site for the Reimagine Boulder Highway Project. The site is managed by a third party, not the City of Henderson.